01 October 2007

2 OCT 2007 My phat pad

2 OCT 2007 My phat pad

I thought I would take a moment to show you inside my little abode, since I showed a picture of the front door. Though the exterior of classic trailer park chic may not be much to brag about, the interior just screams hastily finished basement. The faux wood paneling beautifully reflects the lukewarm grey of the linoleum roll floor. It is tastelessly apointed in post-modern shop class furnishings. I think that the oversized electric transformer boxes with nests of wiring sprouting out behind them sum up the theme of the living space. If you think it looks good now, just wait until the rainy season! As our first sergeant so aptly stated, the Balad dust has an incredible ability to form an ankle deep layer of mud the consistency of peanut butter.

Fortunately I have my artwork from R. to cheer me. I sleep soundly and proudly under the stars and bars, and the smiling faces of those I love adorn my bulletin board. (Which is actually a piece of plywood.)

The occupant before me was able to score Armed Forces Network TV which he graciously passed on to me at a deep discount. I don't get to spend too many hours here, but when I do, it is a comfortable cave. As I've stated before, I live in a state of luxury and comfort not enjoyed by the majority of troops or locals over here.

I've been operating about 18 hours straight today, and I would really love a chance to stagger out of here and enjoy some of that luxury!! Well, maybe after midnight there will be a break in the action. It has been the usual parade of broken bodies today. We received a woman in her twenties this afternoon. She had been shot in the back and the bullet had severed her spinal cord, paralyzing her from the waist down. The Iraqi physicians told her that she should go to the American hospital in Balad. On the way here, her family's car was shot up at a checkpoint and she was hit again in both legs. As I operated on her, it broke my heart to imagine the revolutionary change that this day marked in her life. She is young, educated and speaks clear English. She was very calm and brave as she went to sleep before surgery. She will be with us a few days, but she has a very long difficult road ahead.

Morning comes a little later now. Yesterday the Iraqi government effected daylight savings time and we all set our clocks back an hour. Who says there's no progress. I suppose the hooch will have to wait a little longer, here comes a helicopter.

I miss you,


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